Get 25% Discount on WPT Voyage Package Through Valentine's Flash Sale

Trending 5 months ago
WPT Voyage Valentine's

Many poker players are getting fresh to embark connected nan $1.5 cardinal guaranteed WPT Voyage, a six-day poker show connected nan unfastened seas pinch stops successful nan Cayman Islands and The Bahamas. Those who haven't booked their WPT Voyage travel yet are successful luck acknowledgment to a Valentine's Flash Sale.

The Valentine's Flash Sale, moving now until Feb. 15, gives players an opportunity to book their cabins for nan legendary poker acquisition astatine a 25% discount. Through nan exclusive and limited-time offer, players tin book prime Sea View and Limited View Sea Terrace Casbins astatine a discounted complaint utilizing nan Bonus Code: CUPID.

WPT Voyage Vs. WPT At Sea

Perfect Valentine's Getaway

From March 31-April 6, 2024, nan WPT will return complete an full Virgin Voyages cruise vessel – nan 1,400-cabin Valiant Lady – for a six-day poker show that features $1.5 cardinal successful guarantees, including a $5,000 buy-in, $1,000,000 GTD WPT Main Event. The costs of nan cruise varies depending connected cabin, number of guests, etc., but had a wide scope of $1,300-$5,300 per personification (does not see tourney buy-ins).

Tying backmost to Valentine's Day, nan WPT Voyage tin service arsenic a awesome opportunity for a romanticist getaway. That's because, successful summation to poker action, nan cruise will characteristic romanticist eating experiences, onboard entertainment, spa and relaxation amenities, nightclubs, karaoke rooms, pub games, and trivia nights.

That's conscionable scratching nan aboveground of what nan WPT Voyage offers. There will besides beryllium opportunities for onshore and sea-based excursions and activities for illustration kayaking, snorkeling, taste tours and a play tourney pinch Matt Savage and Phil Ivey.

Later, Voyage attendees tin return portion successful a pickleball tourney hosted by Vince Van Patten, who will beryllium showing disconnected his skills arsenic a erstwhile master tennis player.

For much accusation astir nan upcoming WPT Voyage, sojourn

Join WPT Global Today and Grab An Awesome Welcome Package

Now is nan clip to subordinate nan nosy astatine WPT Global if you do not already person an account. Download WPT Global via PokerNews, and make a deposit of astatine slightest $20 to person a 100% up to $1,200 first deposit bonus. That's not all; depending connected nan size of your deposit, you could besides spot 11 tourney tickets onshore successful your caller account!

New aliases Existing PlayersDeposit NumberMin DepositReward
New only1st$202x $5 WPT Global Spins tickets, 2x $5 WPT Passport outer tickets
New and existing2nd$201x $10 WPT Global Spins tickets, 2x $5 WPT Passport outer tickets
New and existingDeposit of $300+$300All of nan supra positive $110 Sunday Slam tickets, 2x $10 WPT Global Spins tickets
New and existingDeposit of $1,200+$1,200All of nan supra positive $110 Sunday Slam ticket, 2x $50 WPT Global Spins tickets, 1x $25 WPT Global Spins ticket
Source Poker News
Poker News