Infamous 'American Idol' Contestant William Hung Lost Wife Over Poker, Gambling Addiction

Trending 6 months ago
William Hung American Idol Poker

One of "American Idol's" astir memorable contestants, William Hung, a Los Angeles area poker player, told People mag his gambling addiction led to a grounded marriage.

Hung, 41, infamously appeared connected Season 3 of American Idol successful 2004. He didn’t beforehand beyond nan first shape aft having “one of nan worst auditions” judge Simon Cowell had heard aft listening to a horrendous off-key rendition of Ricky Martin’s “She Bangs.”

Despite nan nationalist humiliation, Hung parlayed nan quality connected nan celebrated philharmonic talent scouting show into immoderate fame and notoriety. He gave up nan philharmonic profession years agone and has since played poker regularly, though those days now look to beryllium over. But his gambling habit, according to an question and reply pinch People, turned into an addiction that doomed his first marriage.

“I was earning measurement much doing that than I was astatine my regular job. It was going good for a while,” Hung said of his poker game.

Gambling connected More than Just Poker

William Hung American Idol PokerWilliam Hung winning a kindness poker tournament.

The only problem was he didn’t instrumentality to conscionable playing poker. He began to stake connected sports heavy to a constituent it became an addition, and a costly 1 for aggregate reasons.

“I cognize amended [now]. I wasn’t expected to do those things, but I did it anyway,” he said, calling himself “greedy. And I paid for it. I sewage divorced, and I learned I had to beryllium smart astir which risks I chose to take,” Hung continued.

On a affirmative note, Hung has since remarried and now has a unchangeable occupation successful Los Angeles arsenic a information analyst. For nan past decade, he’s played rate games regularly successful Southern California, astatine Commerce Casino and different LA area paper rooms.

Hung does person immoderate mini results connected The Hendon Mob totaling $108,295 successful life unrecorded tourney cashes, his astir caller being past June astatine Venetian successful Las Vegas, a mini rate successful a $600 buy-in event. He’s besides appeared arsenic a headliner successful immoderate kindness events, including a 2023 Ante 4 Autism tournament astatine South Point successful Las Vegas, a tourney Hung won successful 2022.

The erstwhile American Idol contestant has competed successful immoderate World Series of Poker (WSOP) events but hasn’t recorded a cash.

Hung told People he knew he was bully astatine poker but “got greedy” and that’s why he started to stake connected sports, which apparently was his downfall successful nan gambling world.

PokerNews Podcast: William Hung Tackles Poker

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