Max Deveson Wins 2024 WSOPC Marrakech Main Event (€200,000)

Trending 6 months ago
Max Deveson

Casino technology - In nan end, nan last duel astatine nan extremity of nan 2024 WSOP Circuit Marrakech Main Event was a rollercoaster.

After a two-and-a-half-hour-long heads-up conflict wherever some players had opportunities to win, Max Deveson was nan 1 who was yet crowned champion astatine nan Casino de Marrakech wrong nan Es Saadi Resort.

Deveson is now nan proud proprietor of a WSOP Circuit ringing and takes location 2,150,000 MAD (approximately €200,000). Obviously exhausted and disappointed, Antoine Delorme finishes successful 2nd spot retired of a section of 1,163 entrants, heading location pinch 1,550,000 MAD (€143,000).

2024 WSOP Circuit Marrakech Main Event Final Table Results

PlacePlayerCountryPrize (in MAD)Prize (in EUR)

1Max DevesonUnited Kingdom2,150,000€200,000
2Antoine DelormeFrance1,550,000€143,000
3Sandro Jose AlvesPortugal1,100,000€101,000
4Nicola PezzulloItaly800,000€74,000
5Jean-Claude RucheBelgium610,000€56,000
7Guillaume GarciaFrance405,000€37,000
8Yuzhou YinChina335,000€31,000
9Igor PiconeBelgium275,000€25,000

Winner's Reaction

The British player, now established successful South Africa, began nan show connected a precocious note, finishing 4th successful nan Opener for 162,000 MAD. "I was benignant of sad but very fortunate," he said, remembering this tournament.

However, immoderate lingering sadness wholly vanished from his scope of emotions aft winning nan large one—the Main Event. "I'm very tired. But getting done 1,163 players and having 2 heavy runs successful large fields successful 1 week is benignant of crazy. Hopefully, it will hap again!"

Yet, winning nan tourney wasn't an easy feat for this rate crippled subordinate who transitioned to tournaments. "I hadn’t really thought astir that triumph until 4 aliases 5 group left. Then, erstwhile I started to build a stack and sewage to nan spot lead, I was assured I was gonna get to nan last two" he explained.

However, erstwhile heads-up, his assurance was put to nan trial pinch aggregate turnarounds against Antoine Delorme. "To beryllium honest, erstwhile I had a large spot lead, it felt for illustration I was winning each hand. Then I mislaid nan all-ins, and arsenic soon arsenic he won those, he built confidence. It was a spot deflecting. It felt for illustration it was his tournament.

"But I was fortunate pinch nan king-three against king-jack. And from location I cruised control, had bully hands, played arsenic good arsenic I could, and I was fortunate I travel retired connected top".

MAx Deveson

Final Day's Action

Out of a full section of 1,163 entrants, 21 players returned connected Day 3, each pinch dreams of winning nan prestigious WSOP Circuit aureate ring. However, for Filippo Lazzaretto, who started nan last time pinch nan shortest stack, nan dream seemed a spot far. And he became the first subordinate eliminated of nan day, finishing 21st for 73,000 MAD.

Lazzaretto was followed to nan cashier by Day 1a spot leader Jean-Pierre Grand-Moursel (20th, 88,000 MAD), Jawad Bengourane (19th, 88,000 MAD), Mostafa Essanhaji (18th, 88,000 MAD), and Endravuz Lahdo. Unlike his relative Samiyel Duzgun, nan victor of nan Main Event successful 2020, Lahdo was eliminated successful 17th place (110,000 MAD). However, this turned retired to beryllium for nan best, arsenic he instantly jumped into a Turbo arena and won his first WSOP ring!

Endravuz Lahdo

Following Lahdo's elimination, nan remaining 16 players gathered astatine nan past 2 tables, but Wim Verhaegen (110,000 MAD) quickly abandoned them. The aforesaid destiny befell Roger Tondeur (14th, 140,000 MAD), Manuel Machado (who struggled for a agelong infinitesimal pinch a very short stack), and Adrien Sanz (13th, 180,000 MAD).

Chip leader astatine nan opening of nan day, Mohamed Hakim maintained his lead during nan first hours, but grounded to scope nan last array arsenic he was eliminated by Nicola Pezzullo's kings. Thanks to this pot, Pezzullo began nan last array pinch nan biggest stack.

From this constituent onward, Pezzullo dominated nan last table, becoming nan first subordinate pinch complete 10,000,000 chips and sending some Igor Picone (9th, 275,000 MAD) and Victor (6th, 490,000 MAD) to nan rail. Between these eliminations, Yuzhou Yin pinch jacks ran into Jean-Claude Ruche's queens, finishing successful 8th spot for 335,000 MAD, and Guillaume Garcia (7th, 405,000 MAD) saw Antoine Delorme hit his king connected nan river.

After Sandro Jose Alves doubled up done him, Jean-Claude Ruche fell to little than a blind. Thanks to a cookware won and a split, he managed to scope nan adjacent break but was eliminated by nan early winner, Max Deveson, astatine nan restart. At nan aforesaid time, Pezzullo progressively mislaid his spot lead and handed it complete to Antoine Delorme. He was yet eliminated pinch king-nine against Sandro Jose Alves’ ace-king (4th, 800,000 MAD).

The aforesaid Alves recovered himself astatine consequence not agelong aft pinch queens. However, Max Deveson was fortunate capable to hit a runner-runner flush to nonstop Alves to nan rail (3rd Place, 1,100,000 MAD) and commencement nan heads-up play pinch almost doubly Antoine Delorme’s stack.

Antoine Delorme and Max Deveson

The opening of nan last duel was one-sided, pinch Deveson quickly extending his lead to 80% of nan chips successful play. However, nan business took a move erstwhile Delorme doubled up twice, allowing him to person a first opportunity to triumph nan tournament. Holding king-jack, he had nan champion manus preflop, but Deveson deed a brace pinch king-three to double up. Deveson doubled up again a fewer hands later, reclaiming nan first-place position.

Finally, aft a divided successful different all-in and telephone situation, nan cards went connected their backs 1 past time, pinch a 7 of hearts completing Deveson’s flush connected nan stream to unafraid nan WSOPC Marrakech Main Event victory.

Max Deveson

That concludes nan PokerNews sum of nan 2024 WSOPC Marrakech Main Event. Stay tuned for more updates from tournaments astir nan world.

Source Poker News
Poker News