Motivation from Berkey Diss? Jonathan Little Wins PokerGO Cup Title; Negreanu Rejoices

Trending 5 months ago
Jonathan Little PokerGO Cup

Matt Berkey came aft his poker coaching competitor Jonathan Little earlier this week, and possibly that served arsenic a spot of information for nan latter, who conquered nan 2024 PokerGO Cup finale and wide bid crown connected Saturday. Daniel Negreanu, who came to Little's defense, was rather thrilled pinch nan outcome, to opportunity nan least.

Little, nan laminitis of, won Event #8: $25,200 No-Limit Hold'em for $453,750, his 2nd triumph of nan series. Despite cashing successful 50% of nan events and winning 2 of them, he didn't seashore to nan bid title. That's because David Peters was astir arsenic awesome during nan 2nd PokerGO Tour bid of nan caller year.

Check retired Jonathan Little's PokerNews Strategy Articles here!

Little Proves His Talents successful High Stakes Poker Series

Jonathan Little PokerGO CupJonathan Little

Earlier this week, Berkey, who founded nan Solve for Why poker training brand, made immoderate critical comments directed astatine Little's poker strategy. Less than 2 days later, Little went connected to triumph PokerGO Cup Event #3: $10,100 No-Limit Hold'em for $229,500. And for bully measure, to beryllium that it was nary fluke, he earned his 2nd triumph of nan bid connected Saturday.

In that bid finale, against a section of 55 players astatine nan PokerGO Studio successful Las Vegas, Little faced immoderate stiff title successful nan measurement of immoderate of nan apical high-stakes pros successful nan world, including Peters, who didn't cash, and Stephen Chidwick, nan eighth spot finisher ($55,000).

Event #8 Final Table Results

1Jonathan Little$453,700
2Justin Zaki$288,750
3Justin Saliba$192,500
4John Riordan$137,500
5Seth Davies$110,000
6Shanell Stokes$82,500

When nan last array began, Little had a small stack and it was only astir one-third nan size of spot leader John Riordan. After Justin Zaki won a title to nonstop Shanell Stokes location successful sixth spot ($82,500), nan eventual champion was stuck pinch nan shortest stack.

Little soon recovered a double erstwhile he flopped mediate brace against Zaki's consecutive draw, which didn't travel through. He past caught Seth Davies bluffing to scoop a large pot, putting him successful a amended spot than he was earlier successful nan day.

Little would yet clip Davies successful 5th spot ($110,000), but still trailed Zaki by a important amount. That each changed erstwhile nan respected poker coach called disconnected astir of his stack pinch a brace of aces against nan mini brace and missed flush tie Zaki held.

At that point, Little had taken complete afloat power of nan last table. He took retired Riordan successful 4th spot ($137,500) pinch AxQx against AxJx, earlier Zaki eliminated Justin Saliba successful 3rd spot ($192,500), mounting up a heads-up lucifer that was adjacent successful chips.

Little's lead astatine nan commencement of heads-up play was slim, but he'd quickly widen it and ne'er relinquished nan lead. On nan last hand, Zaki called an each successful pinch K♥7♥ and was hoping to outdraw A♣3♣, but nan committee ran retired 7♠9♦A♥J♣J♥, putting an extremity to nan tournament. The runner-up took location $288,750 arsenic a consolation prize.

Jonathan Little Also Wins PokerGO Cup Series Title

As if winning $453,700 and his 2nd title of nan series, Little was besides crowned nan wide bid victor. In nan last event, he earned 272 points, bringing his constituent full up to 549. That put him 92 points up of Peters, nan runner-up. Zaki (405 points) vanished successful 3rd place, David Coleman (347 points) took fourth, while Davies (277 points) settled for 5th place.

Peters and Little were nan biggest stars during nan 2024 PokerGO Cup. Had Little grounded to triumph his heads-up lucifer connected Sunday, Zaki would person overtaken Peters and Little for nan bid crown.

Little vanished pinch 4 cashes successful 8 events, totaling $730,000 successful earnings, while Peters's 2 cashes, some wins, resulted successful $456,525 worthy of cashes.

The banner bid puts Little complete $8.8 cardinal successful unrecorded tourney cashes, according to The Hendon Mob. As for Berkey, who is often captious of his competitor's poker strategy tweets, he's astatine $4.7 cardinal lifetime, headlined by his career-best $1.1 cardinal 5th spot decorativeness successful nan 2016 $300,000 buy-in Super High Roller Bowl.

Little's apical cash, coincidentally, was for almost precisely nan aforesaid amount, but successful a $10,000 buy-in World Poker Tour (WPT) arena successful 2008. He won a abstracted WPT arena successful 2007 for conscionable complete $1 million.

Poker X Takes Sides successful Berkey/Little Rivalry

PokerGO Cup Series Complete Results

1$5,100 No-Limit Hold'em111$555,000David Peters$141,525
2$10,100 No-Limit Hold'em89$690,000Dylan Weisman$240,300
3$10,100 No-Limit Hold'em85$850,000Jonathan Little$229,500
4$10,100 No-Limit Hold'em81$810,000Cary Katz$226,800
5$10,100 No-Limit Hold'em83$830,000Justin Zaki$232,400
6$15,100 No-Limit Hold'em63$945,000David Coleman$302,400
7$15,100 No-Limit Hold'em70$1,050,000David Peters$315,000
8$25,200 No-Limit Hold'em55$1,375,000Jonathan Little$453,750
Source Poker News
Poker News