New Career-Best Score For Lithuania's Paulius Zilinskas in the OlyBet Showdown Vilnius

Trending 5 months ago
Paulius Zilinskas

Lithuania whitethorn not beryllium nan first state that springs to mind erstwhile you deliberation astir prestigious unrecorded poker tournaments, but nan country's capital, Vilnius, was awash pinch poker talent during nan past week, who were each successful municipality for nan OlyBet Showdown Vilnius Ace Breaker festival.

The €555 buy-in Main Event was nan showpiece of nan festival. It saw 371 players buy-in and create a €178,080 prize pool.

Over 3 days of aggravated poker action, nan 371-strong crowd was whittled to a much manageable 14 players. Paulius Zilinskas recovered himself successful nan bottommost half of nan spot counts astatine nan commencement of play but was nan past man opinionated aft nan last manus concluded. Zilinskas has unrecorded tourney winnings of $14,895 earlier this event, pinch his largest people weighing successful astatine €1,644 ($1,806). Zilinskas now has a €34,805 prize connected his resume.

€555 OlyBet Showdown Vilnius Ace Breaker Main Event Final Table Results

1Paulius ZilinskasLithuania€34,805*
2Titas GancieriusLithuania€28,000*
3Egidijus DovidaitisLithuania€16,950
4Ronaldas AglisnkasLithuania€12,865
5Audrius LaimelisLithuania€9,890
6Dominik OstrowskiPoland€7,660
7Arnas BazysLithuania€5,755
8Robertas SakinisLithuania€4,375
9Bahadir HatipogluTurkey€3,340

*reflects a heads-up deal

Turkey's Bahadir Hatipolgu was nan first finalist heading for nan cashier table aft he ran ace-king into nan pouch aces of Egidijus Dovidaitis, nan last table's spot leader.

Pocket rockets sent Robertas Sakinis to nan showers successful eighth place. Sakinis committed nan past of his chips pinch pouch queens, only for Polish grinder Dominik Ostowski to aftermath up pinch nan champion starting manus successful No-Limit Hold'em.

Seventh spot went to Arnas Bazys, who sewage his short stack into nan mediate of nan array holding ace-ten and needing immoderate thief to ace nan reddish queens of Audrius Laimelis. A king-high committee did not travel to Bazys' rescue, and nan last array was down to only six players.

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Those six became 5 pinch nan untimely demise of Ostrowski. Rolandas Aglinskas initially limped successful pinch ace-king earlier calling nan short-stacked shove from Ostrowski, made pinch king-eight. Ostrowski missed nan flop and turn, pinch a 9 connected nan stream being only 1 pip distant from doubling him up.

Laimelis managed to triple his stack aft hitting travel eights connected nan river, but he was still nan adjacent subordinate heading distant from nan tourney floor. Laimelis defended his large unsighted pinch jack-nine from a cutoff min-raise earlier check-calling a 60,000 stake from Zilinskas connected a draw-heavy queen-jack-king flop pinch 2 clubs. Both players checked nan reddish 7 connected nan turn, pinch Laimelis checking connected nan 10 of clubs river. Zilinskas stake 410,000, nan precise magnitude near successful Laimelis' stack, and Laimelis called pinch his straight. Unfortunately for Laimelis, Zilinskas held ace-five for a Broadway straight.

Each of nan 4 surviving players locked successful a five-figure score, and it was Aglinskas who captured nan first specified prize. Aglinskas limped successful for 60,000 pinch pouch nines nether nan gun, Titas Gancierius raised to 2 cardinal from nan mini unsighted pinch ace-trey of diamonds, and Aglinskas called disconnected nan 700,000 chips he had behind. An ace connected nan flop catapulted Gancierius into nan lead, pinch an unnecessary 3 connected nan stream locking successful nan win.

Heads-up was group little than 10 minutes later successful 1 of nan biggest pots of nan tournament. Gancierius opened from nan fastener earlier quickly folding aft witnessing Dovidaitis three-bet and past Zilinskas four-bet jam his monolithic stack. Dovidaitis called all-in for somewhat little than 20 large blinds, revealing ace-king arsenic he did so. Zilinskas flipped complete pouch queen, which held connected a ten-high board.

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That past manus gave Zilinskas a 6,625,000 to 4,470,000 spot lead complete Gancierius. The heads-up duo went connected a short break, and returned having discussed and agreed to a deal. The woody guaranteed Zilinskas €29,800, Gancierius €28,000, pinch €5,005 and nan trophy awaiting nan eventual champion.

Zilinskas started nan one-on-one conflict brightly and yet sewage his hands connected each of nan chips successful play. The last manus happened during nan 40,000/80,000/80,000a level, and saw Gancieirus limp, Zilinskas raise to 300,000, Gancierius four-bet to 800,000, and Zilinskas call.

Zilinskas check-called a 600,000 stake connected nan ace-eight-six flop, which showed 2 clubs. Both players checked nan jack of spade turn, pinch Zilinskas checking again connected nan 3 of clubs river. Gancierius jammed for astir 2 cardinal chips, and Zilinskas wasted nary clip successful calling. Gancierius showed king-three, which was crushed by nan ace-four successful nan victor's hand.

2024 Kings of Tallinn Runs February 23 done March 3

Players don't person agelong to hold for nan adjacent section of OlyBet's unrecorded poker show offering because nan 2024 version of nan long-running Kings of Tallinn is correct astir nan corner. The show runs from February 23 done March 3 astatine nan Hilton Tallinn Park Hotel & Olympic Park Casino.

The schedule boasts complete 50 tournaments, including a €1,100 buy-in, €500,000 guaranteed Main Event. Estonia's Piriit Parmasto is nan reigning champion, having outlasted 715 opponents connected his measurement to banking €97,400 successful 2023.

Full specifications of the 2024 Kings of Tallinn schedule tin beryllium recovered correct present astatine PokerNews.

Lead photograph courtesy of OlyBet and Tautvytas Juknevičius

Source Poker News
Poker News