PokerStars Carnival Series NLHE Mystery Bounty Main Events Award Almost $2.35M

Trending 5 months ago
PokerStars Carnival Series

Lottery technology- A trio of enigma bounty Main Events rounded disconnected nan PokerStars Carnival Series connected February 5, paying retired a mixed $2,348,610. Mystery bounty tournaments whitethorn beryllium still successful their infancy astatine Togel Online, but it is evident nan online poker elephantine is taking them deadly earnestly and footing important guarantees.

Patrick "JaegsPL" Lauber came retired connected apical of an all-star formed successful nan $1,050 Carnival Series NLHE Mystery Bounty Main Event. A section of 835 entrants ensured nan $750,000 guarantee was smashed and a $59,904 apical prize created. Inexplicably, PokerStars only shows nan full worth of enigma bounties nan champion wins, pinch Lauber adding $19,177 from nan enigma bounty prize excavation for a full people of $79,081.

The nine-handed last array was a cosmopolitan affair, pinch 7 nationalities represented. "Grazza" of nan United Kingdom was nan first to fall. South Korea's "Junbozz" and "zelvavegas" of Belarus joined nan ever-growing database of casualties earlier Austria's "YannickPoker" and Vietnamese grinder "5tunt3r" were eliminated, leaving only 4 players successful contention for nan title.

"HighRiskHighReward" collapsed retired successful 4th from their Austrian home, and Brazilian sensation Daniel "dani aziz" Aziz busted successful third, leaving Lauber heads-up against Sweden's "mamamamama70".

You whitethorn callback that "mamamamama70" helped themselves to an $88,599 people connected Sunday aft taking down nan $5,200 Titans Event. They had to make do pinch a runner-up decorativeness this clip around. Second spot paid $45,166 positive immoderate their 7 enigma bounties weighed successful at.

Carnival Series 46-H: $1,050 NLHE Mystery Bounty Main Event Final Table Results


1Patrick "JaegsPL" LauberUnited Kingdom$59,904
3Daniel "dani aziz" AzizBrazil$34,055
8JunbozzSouth Korea$8,298
9GrazzaUnited Kingdom$6,256

Save nan Date: Sunday Million 18th Anniversary Comes With $8m GTD

"raphaelciafa" Takes Down nan $109 Mystery Bounty Main Event

The $109 buy-in Carnival Series Mystery Bounty Main Event came pinch a $1,250,000 guarantee connected its prize pool, but nan 12,036-strong entrants list, though impressive, near PokerStars 464 buy-ins short of hitting nan guarantee, aliases $46,400.

Brazil's "rafaelciafa" took afloat advantage of nan further worth by bulldozing their measurement to victory, sending 13 foes connected their measurement earlier clinching nan $68,793 apical prize. Those 13 bounty payments totaled $1,673, meaning nan Brazilian champions raked successful $70,466 for their win.

Including nan eventual champion, 4 of nan finalists hailed from South America. Brazil's "Londeee" bowed retired successful fifth, Argentina's "mfnob" saw their tourney extremity successful 4th place, while Peruvian "FitoPaez" was nan $109 Main Event's runner-up.

Carnival Series 46-M: $109 NLHE Mystery Bounty Main Event Final Table Results



$11 Mystery Bounty Main Event Ends successful a Chop

The $11 buy-in Carnival Series Mystery Bounty Main Event featured a $250,000 guarantee connected its prize excavation contempt costing only $11 to enter. By nan clip precocious registration slammed shut, immoderate 26,899 players had bought in, creating a $263,610 prize pool.

The last array payouts were truthful immense that cipher took location little than 67 buy-ins for their efforts. By nan clip heads-up was reached, 1 of nan winners would return location complete $11,000 aliases almost 1,030 buy-ins positive bounty payments.

Germany's "nerd2121" and Brazilian "Cabao Veio" were nan past 2 players standing. Unsurprisingly, pinch nan quality betwixt first and second-place payouts being astir $3,500, nan heads-up duo struck a deal. The woody divided nan remaining prize money consecutive down nan middle, pinch some players capturing $9,572. "nerd2121" was nan charismatic champion, and they padded their winnings pinch $161 from nan bounty prize excavation for a full prize worthy $9,733.

Carnival Series 46-L: $11 NLHE Mystery Bounty Main Event Final Table Results


2Cabao VeioBrazil$9,572 *
5mmontana01United Kingdom$3,059

*reflects a heads-up deal

Are Mystery Bounty Tournaments Here to Stay astatine PokerStars?

A speedy hunt of nan PokerStars tourney lobby reveals nary enigma bounty tournaments are scheduled (at nan clip of writing), but location will beryllium plentifulness much for players to bask successful nan coming weeks.

The format has proven celebrated pinch PokerStars' tourney players, and PokerStars ever gives its players what they want. It would not astonishment america successful nan slightest of nan PokerStars method squad is moving difficult down nan scenes to amended its enigma bounty offering pursuing nan format's successful debut. Displaying enigma bounty amounts successful nan lobby would beryllium an fantabulous edition, arsenic would displaying nan enigma bounties won by each player, overmuch for illustration nan tract already does for progressive knockout (PKO) events. Watch this space.

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