Ren Lin Wins $50k WPT Alpha8 for $1,045,781; Jason Koon Runner-Up

Trending 7 months ago
Ren Lin WPT Alpha8

Ren Lin had already proved to beryllium a skilled poker subordinate earlier entering nan $50,000 buy-in World Poker Tour (WPT) Alpha8 tournament. But now he tin adhd nan first seven-figure rate to his The Hendon Mob resume.

The Chinese pro defeated a section of 69 players astatine Wynn Las Vegas connected Thursday for a $1,045,781 score. He hit nan awesome Jason Koon heads-up astatine nan end, on pinch a star-studded section afloat of immoderate of nan champion players successful nan world.

WPT Alpha8 Final Table Results


1Ren Lin$1,045,781
2Jason Koon$669,300
3Martin Kabrhel$468,510
4Biao Ding$334,650
5Seth Davies$249,314
6Nikita Kuznetsov$192,424

Final Table Action

Jason Koon WPT PokerJason Koon

When Day 2 began connected Thursday, Seth Davies had a flimsy spot lead complete a fewer others pinch 13 players remaining. Lin, who was successful nan mediate of nan pack, was conscionable biding his clip to make a run.

Only 9 of nan players who came backmost to Wynn would beryllium paid. With 10 players left, Alex Foxen was each successful for his last 10 large blinds pinch 9x9x aft calling a raise from Lin, who had Qx4x. A stream queen sent Foxen to nan rails connected nan chromatic bubble.

Justin Bonomo was adjacent retired (ninth spot for $108,761), followed by Isaac Haxton (eighth spot for $125,494), and Brad Owen (seventh spot for $152,266).

The charismatic last array past began pinch Martin Kabrhel successful nan spot lead, but nary 1 had much than 37 large blinds. Lin was sitting astatine nether 20 large blinds and needed to make thing hap quickly.

Nikita Kuznetsov mislaid a 60/40 to Kabrhel to bust successful sixth spot ($192,424), and past Davies was each successful pinch A♦8♦ against nan 9♥9♣ of Biao Ding. Davies would flop a flush tie but his force turned a afloat location and he was retired successful 5th spot for $249,314.

Ding, however, mislaid a title moments later to Lin and was retired successful 4th spot ($334,650). Koon held nan spot lead astatine nan commencement of three-handed play, but it was anyone's ballgame astatine that point. The cards, for nan astir part, would find nan result from location connected out.

Koon would propulsion further ahead, but past Lin caught Kabrhel bluffing and overtook nan spot lead, leaving Kabrhel pinch little than 10 large blinds. He'd bust a soon aft successful 3rd spot for $468,510, not moreover half of what he mislaid successful nan $1 cardinal buy-in WPT Big One for One Drop this week.

The lucifer astatine nan commencement of heads-up play was astir moreover pinch Lin somewhat retired successful front. He concisely relinquished that lead earlier quickly grabbing it backmost and past finishing nan lucifer disconnected by calling an each successful stake pinch A♠2♥ against Koon's J♦9♣. The committee ran retired Q♥5♣2♠7♥10♦ and Koon took 2nd spot for $669,300.

That intends Ren Lin is nan WPT Alpha8 champion, which paid him $1,045,781.

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